Are You Struggling Outside AND Inside?

21 01 2013

Rachel Wall, RDH, BS, Founder & President Inspired Hygiene, Inc.

Rachel Wall, RDH, BS, Founder & President Inspired Hygiene, Inc.

Rachel Wall, RDH, BS, touches on a very important issue when it comes to presenting dental treatment. Believing in the true health value and, very importantly, the monetary value of the treatment you are presenting plays a critical role in case acceptance. 

By Rachel Wall, RDH, BS, Founder & President Inspired Hygiene, Inc.

In my coaching and live events, I always talk about the critical task of ‘Finding Your Why’. In fact, I have an entire course I teach on the concept of finding the deep down reason why you recommend a power brush over a manual brush, just for example. Or why you recommend perio therapy rather than a prophy when you see active infection.

The next step is to clear up any internal struggles you have with the treatment you recommend.  One of the concepts we learned at the Mindset Retreat is this:

If there’s a struggle on the inside, there’s always a struggle on the outside.

So how does this translate to you as a dentist, hygienist or office manager?  If you have a struggle on the inside with the cost of a procedure or you’re just not sure it’s necessary, there will always be a struggle recommending and enrolling it.

So if you have an internal conflict about the value of a crown, you may know in your head that it’s a valuable procedure but in your heart you may still think ‘why can’t we just do a filling that would last awhile and cost a lot less’. You’re not alone.

My advice is that you MUST find out the answers to those internal questions. You must get the information you need to resolve that internal struggle. Because if you don’t believe in the care you’re recommending, your patients won’t believe in it either.

If it’s an operative procedure, sit down with your doctor and have her explain to you why a crown is a better treatment than a large filling in that situation. If you’re a doctor, be sure you’re taking photos during the prep for all restorations. This will give your team a good, hard look at what’s really going on under that big, old filling. They can then see exactly how much decay is under it and how much tooth structure is gone which will give them the strong evidence needed to see why you recommend a crown.

And this is just one example. The same can be true for perio therapy, use of antibiotics with SRP, etc.

So the bottom line is, if you’re feeling an internal struggle when you are expected to recommend a certain service or procedure, find out what it is you need to resolve that. What do you need to know to totally believe in the value (monetary and health value) in that service!  Until you do, your enrollment may be a struggle.

Would you like more information on how to unlock the untapped potential in your hygiene department?  We are pleased to offer our popular CD, “Top 3 Secrets to Increased Hygiene Co-Diagnosis” absolutely FREE.  Please visit to order your free CD and to register for our free weekly e-zine where we share weekly practice tips to improve your hygiene department profits, systems and service.  Learn more about Rachel and how she can help you take your hygiene department to the next level at or call 727-447-4756.

Employ a Medical Model and Increase Hygiene Department Profitability

9 01 2012

Colleen Rutledge, RDH shares her experience which, if applied, can help you transform hygiene departments from “loss leaders” to “production leaders.”  I just love the gems these consultants are giving away! Make the most of your day – Robin Morrison

Colleen Rutledge, Dental Hygiene Coach & Owner of Perio-Therapeutics & Beyond

When interviewing a new client, the majority of offices describes what I call a “mechanical model”, meaning the focus of perio therapy is removing calculus 1 -2 quadrants at a time.  This approach usually fails because many patients do not complete their treatment.   A year later they return and the treated quadrants are re-infected by bacteria from the untreated quadrants.  Sadly, the patient is back to square one.

My recommendation is to employ amedical model,”  which focused on decreasing the bacterial load in the entire mouth, with treatment completed within 24 – 48 hours.  Although longer appointments are necessary, the clinical results are amazing and patient compliance skyrockets!

Scheduling typically calls for (2) one and a half hour appointments rather than (4) one hour appointments.  The incorporation of ultrasonics, locally applied antimicrobials, host modulation (PerioStat) and the use of risk assessment enhances clinical outcomes and substantially augments the services and profitability of the hygiene department.

Utilizing the “medical model” easily transforms hygiene departments from “loss leaders”, producing $800 – $900 daily, to “production leaders” achieving $2500+ when employing a comprehensive periodontal therapy program.   Practices offering services based on current research and trends in periodontal therapy see hourly production rates soar from $90 – $120 to $150 – $400, with the average patient producing $ 400 – $700+!

Embracing this model, hygiene departments can flourish into indispensable channels of both quality and profitability!

Learn more about Colleen at